VPopMail Virtualized Email
Handling virtual domains is a common issue posed by new users in the qmail and postfix communities. Inter7 has developed vpopmail (vchkpw – buipopmeil), a free GPL software package, to provide an easy way to manage virtual email domains and non /etc/passwd email accounts on your qmail or Postfix mail servers.
Features include
- Support for 1 to 23 million virtual email domains using a “grow as it goes” balenced directory tree.
- Support for 1 to 23 million email users per domain using the same balenced tree structure.
- Automates all qmail configurations into handy and scriptable command line programs and documented API library calls.
- Automates Unix user/group/other permissioning of directories and files.
- Supports authenticated relay control of your qmail smtp server.
- Virtual email file/directories can be assigned to any user/group or do the default vpopmail/vchkpw 89/89.
- Does not require email user accounts in /etc/passwd
- Supports name or IP based virtual domains
- Optionally automates support for:
- Storing clear text passwords to help tech support workers
- Record last authentication and automates deletion of stale accounts.
- Storing alias/forwards in mysql or oracle
- Configurable logging based on real world admin’s comments and requirements.
- Support for Mysql, Oracle, PostgreSQL, /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow LDAP, Sybase, and default cdb authentication storage.
- Delivers directly to Maildir for use with qmail-pop3d, .qmail files or any other Maildir program.
- No need to have hundreds of .qmail files for virtual domains. Each domain gets it’s own directory under vpopmail user with a separate password file for each domain.
- Documented command line programs that can be used in scripts or for remote admin.
- Documented C library for all vpopmail features and transactions.
vpopmail Requirements
Optional Packages
Mailing List
Subscribe to the mailing lists for annoucements and discussions by sending a blank email to vchkpw-subscribe@inter7.com.
An archive of this list is available here
People with suggestions or problems are welcomed to post to the mailing list at vchkpw@inter7.com. You must be subscribed to the list to post.
Authentication Modules
- Ismail Yenigul of enderunix.org has a script to convert /etc/passwd(shadow) accounts to mysql. You can get it from here.
- A perl module for vpopmail. vpopmail.pm
- Infomation on how qmail and freebsd using vpopmail install script for freebsd
- example install script for freebsd
- Perl script for converting cdb to large sql sites by Michael Boman
- Using vpopmail with postfix
- qmailAdmin Web-based admin interface for virtual domains
- vqadmin vpopmail system administrator admin CGI
- vqregister web email registration signup program
- Dovecot IMAP server